Digital transformation
How can I help you mastering the digital transformation and set up a future-proof, competitive company?
The progressive, rapid development in the field of digitization is constantly opening up new possibilities for your company to develop and optimize its own structures and its network in order to increase its competitive and future viability.

As a result of this rapid development and the resulting diversity of options for action, you, the decision makers in your company, are confronted with many questions and uncertainties in the further digitization of their processes and the raising of the associated potentials.
In order to master decision-making complexity, it is necessary to have a structured approach that supports your company in formulating its specific goal in the area of digitization and in describing the path to achieving it.
Digitization is not a reversible trend where companies can choose to go with it or not. In order to remain competitive in the medium term, it is imperative to put the digitization of your company high on the agenda and to tackle the digital transformation quickly and actively. The faster your company does that, the better your market positioning and cost situation will be. Investing in digitization means head start, faster, error-free and cost-effective processes, more loyal customers and more efficient supplier relationships, optimized and automated production processes with networking in machine communication and ERP systems with the result of improved delivery capability.
The digital transformation describes a continuous process of change in companies based on digital technologies. The basis of the digital transformation is the transformation of analogue processes by digital technologies into digital processes. Digital processes are cheaper, faster and error-free.
Digital transformation is a change process that can affect all aspects, departments and applications in your company. For example, cooperation between people and machines reaches a new level. Until now it was a juxtaposition of people and machine, the future is characterized by a stronger common togetherness. They become a team and are mutually digitally networked with each other. Aspects such as the acceptance of technology and the qualification of your employees and leadership will be given a new status and become a key to digitization and a part of your corporate culture.
What degree of digitization does your company really need to remain competitive in the future? Which digitization solutions make sense for your company at all? In which stages do we reach the goals? What effort and investments are required for this?
In practice, it has been proven that we cluster companies in seven (7) subject areas and then analyze and transform them step by step. The following procedure makes it possible:
1. Employees
2. Corporate culture
3. Customers & markets
4. Organization
5. Processes
6. Products & offers
7. Services
This means that, as a first step, we enable employees and leadership to successfully use the instruments of digital transformation. In the next step, we involve customers and suppliers in order to determine the new digital processes. The goal is to offer your customers a faster, more flexible and better service.
At the same time, it tries to build the digital connection between your customer and your company in such a way that it is particularly easy for customers to work together optimally.
It is clear that new digital processes are becoming leaner, cheaper and more scalable, and that routine activities are being automated. This will allow for error-free working and replacement.
The same goes for the digital relationship with suppliers only in reverse. When developing new products and improving existing ones, completely new applications, digital products, innovations, and business models can be created individually and developed into a competitive advantage.
The following four steps describe the transformation process
Structured 5 phases Procedure
With the goal of developing the right and appropriate way for your company into the digital future, the following five-step approach has proven itself. It supports you in going through the necessary decision-making and development process for digitizing your processes step by step and consistently. As a result, you will receive an actionable roadmap with a timetable and a cost plan, which will show you a systematic development path in the field of digitization in the sense of your strategy. The essential aspects of these phases are briefly presented below.

I would like to help you to accompany the digital transformation in your company so that you are one of the winners in your competitive environment. Please contact me.