
Digital transformation, profitable sustainable growth and agile leadership

As an entrepreneur with many years of experience, I also support your company in these areas. Be and remain successful in the long term.

Digital transformation, profitable sustainable growth and agile leadership

As an entrepreneur with many years of experience, I also support your company in these areas. Be and remain successful in the long term.

My personal drive is to make companies so successful that they can grow profitably in the long term through innovative competitive advantages and business strategies that are difficult or impossible to duplicate.

Digitalisierungsberater für Unternehmen


The progressive, rapid development in the field of digitization is constantly opening up new possibilities for your company to develop and optimize its own structures and its network in order to increase its competitive and future viability.

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Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen

profitable growth

Through digitization, all administrative processes are handled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and the Internet of Things (IoT). The strategic field of Potter’s competitive matrix: “cost leadership” is completely losing its importance.

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Führungsmanagement für Ihr Unternehmen

leadership culture

Committed employees demand transparency, freedom and trust. The higher the number of employees in your company, the more secure are good results. How can I do this as a manager? Where are my classic tasks as a superior?

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Innovationsumgebungen gestalten

Innovationsumgebungen gestalten
Pulished: August 2018

Building innovative ecosystems and introducing digital smart services using examples of the value chain from building investor to facility management. Author Christoph Jacob, published and edited by: Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp Plugmann (eds) “Designing innovation environments”. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, ISBN 978-3-658-22126-3

Innovative Technologies for Market

Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership
Published: May 2020

How innovative business concepts enable investment opportunities in the construction value chain? Autor Christoph Jacob, published and edited by: Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner, Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp Plugmann: “Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership”. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, ISBN 978-3-030-41309-5

Creating Innovation Spaces

Creating Innovation Spaces
Published: November 2020

Designing innovative ecosystems and introducing digital smart services using examples of the value chain from building investor to facility management, Autor Christoph Jacob, published and edited by: Prof. Dr. Volker Nestle, Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner, Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp Plugmann in “Creating Innovation Spaces: Impulses for Start-ups and Established Companies in Global Competition”, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-030-57641-7

Auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen, effizienten und profitablen Wertschöpfung von Gebäuden
Published: September 2022

This book supports readers in many questions relating to sustainable profitability and productivity increases in the construction and real estate industry by using digital tools and innovations to significantly improve the dynamics of the entire process. This book helps to actively utilize the possible potentials in order to act sustainably, reduce costs and lead companies/divisions/departments into a secure profitable future. Author Christoph Jacob edited by Sara Kukovec, ISBN 978-3658349615

Innovative Unternehmensführung
Published: August 2023

Nothing is older than yesterday’s success. In international competition, the pressure on start-ups and established companies is increasing: innovative products and services have to be developed and delivered in ever shorter cycles. Staff shortages, high corporate taxes and long application processes are just some of the obstacles to innovation that are increasing the gap between German companies and the world leaders. Author Christoph Jacob edited by Christian Kastner, Daniel Hesmer and Philipp Plugmann ISBN 978-3658409425

Smart Homes: Technologie – Gestaltung – Umsetzung – Trends
Published: February 2024

In this edited volume by Achim Hohorst, Christoph Jacob, Sara Kukovec and Michael Westermeier, experts from IT, architecture, technology, industry, construction and the real estate sector offer you in-depth insights into the fundamentals, latest trends and developments in the field of smart homes. You will learn how AI-controlled systems make life in our homes easier, how renewable energies can be integrated into intelligent automation systems and how living in the digital age is changing the way we interact with our living spaces. ISBN: 978-3648176726

Circular Economy
To be published: October 2024

The concept of the circular economy has gained in importance over the last 20 years, particularly through the recognition of ESG goals in politics and business. This edited volume by Tatsiana Akhrymenka, Christian Baron, Christoph Jacob and Sara Kukovec offers a holistic view of circular construction along the entire value chain and examines forward-looking concepts from an economic, regulatory and legal perspective. You will gain a comprehensive overview of the market and the current situation and learn about important levers for the circular construction industry that will achieve positive climate effects in the short and medium term. For a better understanding, the book is based on the construction phases of the HOAI. ISBN: 978-3648176788

Blockchain, Tokenisierung und Metaverse in der Bau- und Immobilienwelt
To be published: Winter 2024

ISBN: 978-3-648-18111-9

More about me

Christoph Jacob, is the founder of several start-ups, entrepreneur and expert for sustainable, profitable growth, successful leadership in agile times and innovative digital transformation. He is an internationally experienced C-Level CEO/executive and supervisory board member of technology and security companies with global digitization successes, with relationships to Harvard Business School, leading start-up incubators and innovation platforms in California and Europe. He is a specialist in building highly competitive product, service and business model innovations. His personal drive is to make companies so successful that they can grow profitably in the long term through innovative competitive advantages and business strategies that are difficult or impossible to duplicate.

Christoph Jacob Wappen

Christoph Jacob
Business consultant

Entrepreneurs / Shareholdings


Womens Board Way